Cup of Tea

The Three Muses want tea! So I expiremented with tea and I can tell you that the combination of tea, paint and glue can get really messy. But it was fun! The result is the first ATC. The second ATC is only paint and stamping. / De drie musen willen thee! Dus ik experimenteerde met thee. Ik kan je vertellen dat de combinatie van thee, verf en lijm veel rotzooi geeft. Maar het was wel leuk! De eerste ATC is het resultaat. De tweede ATC is gemaakt met verf en stempelinkt.

23 opmerkingen:

  1. Ik kan me voorstellen dat het een hoop troep geeft, maar wel een leuk resultaat.
    LIefs Kim

  2. Wow these are great.
    Wonderful pieces.

  3. clever and really unique! i like both of them!

  4. Great pair of cards, José! I like your experimental and creative touch!

  5. I agree with you about the tea and glue - I tried that too and I'm still finding little bits of tea all over the place! Still, at least your man looks like he's enjoying his cuppa!

  6. Cleverly done - I'd love to have seen the mess!!

  7. Half the fun is making a mess!!! Love the results! Hugs, Terri

  8. wat een leuk idee om lekker te kliedren met echte thee en verf en lijm . mooi effect geeft dat . en wat een aparte stempel die man met sproeten

  9. I'm partial to #1. I like the blue background and the whimsy of it! Thanks for playing along.

  10. Great job! Love the first one - super texture!! 'o)

  11. I'm going for number 1 too, though both are great. I'm laughing at your bravery of combining tea and glue to see what happens. Such fun.

  12. An ode to the tea bag- very creative!

  13. Great cup of tea & a fun time experimenting too!!! How fun...
    Smiles Friend,

  14. I love both cards. I love the happy face of a man who obviously loves his cup of tea! Delightful artwork.

  15. oh wow!!! these are fantastic!!! love the tea bags!!!

  16. Interesting ATC'S...the messier the better...enjoy!
