
This weeks theme at the Three Muses is Victorian elegance. But no victorian elegance here.

9 opmerkingen:

  1. Wonderful imagery! The other side of the coin. This looks like one of the Yarmouth Rows of which there were many before WW2 destroyed so many. I was born in Row 13, known as the Garden Row and one of the wider ones.
    A great piece.xx

  2. Wat een opvallende bijdrage voor dit thema José.
    Ik mag dat wel !! Het was niet altijd rozen geur en manenschijn die periode. Maar ja, aan welk tijdsbeeld kleeft nou geen treurnis.
    Ik vind dit tafereel in ieder geval uniek !!

  3. I think the addition of a Victorian guardian angel is truly a touch of elegance. The emotion of your creation is so strong and moving...very thought provoking. I like it!

  4. The victorian age was an amazing time but it was also a difficult time for many. This is a lovely collage full of expression!

  5. Yes you have captured the other side of Victorian elegance.

  6. Ahhh as we know, this is a more realistic scene of Victorian life. Not much elegance unless they were very rich. Brilliant piece my friend.

  7. Love your different take on the theme, Jose, there was more of this side of Victorian life than the elegant, great photo find!

  8. Hoi Josè.
    W.b je vraagje...
    Nee nog niet maar de beurs is ook nèt pas afgelopen. Ik wacht gewoon geduldig af.
    Wel weet ik dat er een boel visitekaartjes zijn meegenomen door bezoekers. Dus, wie weet :)

  9. This twist on the theme is very welcome. A touch of reality but moving and sensitive.
