
The Three Muses Challenge is de eerste challenge na mijn lange vakantie. Vleugels is het thema. De achtergrond had ik nog liggen van een van mijn eerste ATC's. / The Three Muses Challenge is the first challenge I take after my long holiday. Wings is the theme. The background was still laying around since making one of my firsts ATC's.

18 opmerkingen:

  1. Wow this is wonderful.
    Love the design.

  2. Beautiful background, José. Great work using it.

  3. I love the way the man in the moon is watching the winged, dancing lady! Very pretty! Hugs, Terri

    PS Hope you had a great vacation too!

  4. What beautiful long legs on your ballerina! I get the feeling that, after dancing in the moonlight, she'll fly away! Nicely done.

  5. Welkom terug en bedankt voor de kaart :) Je knutsel is weer leuk geworden. Mocht je nog een keertje samen willen freubelen geef dan een gil. De komende 2 weken ben ik in ieder geval vrij, dus..........

    Groetjes Kim

  6. Dancing by the light of the Moon. I love the idea of this and the beautiful way in which you've craft it. Bravo.

  7. Fabulous entry, Jose, what a great holiday you must have had!

  8. I love this!!! love your composition and the moon looking over her shoulder!! Well done!!!


  9. I think your vacation must have done you a lot of good because your picture is so full of life and freedom!! It's beautiful and so creatively composed. Stunning work.

  10. Fantastic design, Jose! I like the moon face, and the lady is wonderful.
